Frequently Asked Questions: 

At this point we can only ship to Norway! 

Please note that the Fine Art Prints ships individually from Norway after being hand signed and numbered. They come with a individual tracking code.

When will my order ship? 

Fine art prints may occasionally not have a large amount in stock. If low on stock, such prints can take an additional week or two to ship. We will contact you if there will be a delay for any reason, and please don’t hesitate to reach out at for order questions. 

For all other products your order will be created within one to five days. With on-demand production, everything is made to order, creating less waste than conventional manufacturing.

How long shipping time can I expect? 

Please allow 11-15 business days, depending on where you live, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for any questions. 

Will there be a tracking code for my order? 

Everything is provided and shipped with a tracking code. 

Fine art Prints will always ship individually from Norway! 

Can I add something to my order?

Once your order is placed, we cannot make changes to it. 
Sometimes it only takes a few ours until your order is fulfilled. 

I am in town/ I live near Larvik/ Stavern in Norway - can I come pick up my order in person? 

All orders must be shipped because our shipping warehouse is not in Norway.

What does Gicleé mean? 

Gicleé refers to the printing process that utilizes archival inks. It refers to the technology of an inkjet printer that creates reproduction of artwork or photography using a high-quality printer to make individual copies. Your print should last 100 years without fading!

What are you doing to make your business eco- friendly?  

Together, we believe we can make a difference in the world by making responsible, sustainable design and supporting a mission that’s close to our hearts. With on-demand production, everything is made to order, creating less waste than conventional manufacturing. 

We also focus on sourcing premium high-quality materials and eco-friendly products. Many of our products consists of at least 30% organic, recycled, or biodegradable materials. 

We make sure the manufacturing of our products is lawful, ethical and safe to the workers and environment. 

We donate 10% of sales to wildlife conservation. 
The Nordic Paws donates to NOAH- For Animal Rights.
Organization working for animal rights in Norway.
To read more about them please visit: